I found my event log on COGNAC chock full of SharePoint errors, almost one every five seconds!
Event Type: ErrorEvent Source: Windows SharePoint Services 2.0Event Category: NoneEvent ID: 1000Date: 11/14/2007Time: 10:27:58 PMUser: N/AComputer: COGNACDescription:#50070: Unable to connect to the database SPS01_Config_db on COGNAC. Check the database connection information and make sure that the database server is running.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
I have been trying to use the SharePoint Central Admin web gui to rectify or turn off this condition for the last 20 mins, to no avail. Before I uninstall SharePoint Services from this box (I don't really use them), i figure a quick Google search is in order:
Which lead me to
But better resource looked to be the blog
which lead me to another Microsoft support article:
None seems to have the sanwer. I'm just about ready to uninstall...
Then I tried turning off the SharePoint Timer service... This worked. I assume that no SP services will be active, but a little easier than uninstalling.